
Award Categories

The inaugural 2024/25 WSFR.AI Awards will be presented in 5 categories:

Already confirmed categories for 2024/25 are:

AI and Democracy

This category is presented in partnership with Apolitical Foundation, a globally active non-profit with a mission to update political leadership for the 21st century.

AI poses many risks but also has the potential to revolutionize politics, offering opportunities to create a safer and more equitable political landscape. By supporting and highlighting the efforts of women who use AI ethically, we can harness their power for positive change in strengthening democracy and political leadership worldwide.

- Lisa Witter, Co-Founder & CEO of Apolitical Foundation

AI and Peace

This category is presented in partnership with ERIA, an international organization established in Jakarta, Indonesia. The ERIA Digital Innovation and Sustainable Economy Centre (E-DISC) is committed to building a strong and responsible digital transformation in ASEAN and East Asia.

It is such a pleasure to work with WSFR.AI to build a more inclusive AI ecosystem. As Women, Peace and Security and Digital Inclusion is becoming a central area of our activities at ERIA, we are thrilled to co-design the AI & Peace Award category. I look forward to meeting and learning from amazing women in this space.

- Giulia Ajmone Marsan, Head of E-DISC, ERIA

AI and Learning

AI and Nature

AI and Media



  • We are looking for women who demonstrate the following:

  • Leadership in AI: Demonstrated leadership in the development and application of AI technologies for the common good.
  • Responsible AI Practices: Commitment to ethical, responsible, and socially beneficial uses of AI, upholding values and maintaining human agency.
  • Impactful Work: Significant and tangible contributions in the sectors of our 2024 categories (which will be confirmed shortly and made public on the page). We also welcome contributions from fields intersecting with our categories.
  • Diversity of Background: We welcome nominations from various regions and sectors, highlighting diverse perspectives.
  • Innovative Solutions: Development of creative and effective solutions to real-world problems using AI.
  • Collaboration and Mentorship: Active collaboration with others and mentorship roles within the AI community.
  • Alignment with WSFR.AI Goals: Clear alignment with the mission of promoting responsible AI for the common good, in particular with a view to creating concrete societal impact.

We will provide further information in due course. Please sign up for our newsletter to be kept informed!

FALL/Winter 2024/25

Selection Process

The selection process will take place from November 16, 2024, to 31 January, 2025. All received nominations will first undergo an eligibility screening before being evaluated by our panel of experts. Our Global Award Council members will review the top nominees and select the winner of each category.


Award Ceremony

We are thrilled to announce that the WSFR.AI Award Ceremony and conference will be held in Spring 2025. This dynamic, enriching and fun event will culminate in the grand reveal of our 2024/25 Awardees, honoring the exceptional women shaping the future of responsible AI. Join us for an inspiring celebration filled with inspiring talks, meaningful connections, and powerful discussions on the transformative power of AI. Stay tuned for more details!


The 2024/25 WSFR.AI Awards

October 1 - November 15 2024

Call for Nominations

Our call for nominations will open on October 1 2024 and close on Novemeber 15 2024. We will accept nominations and self-nominations for all of the above categories.

November 16 - December 31 2024

Selection Process

All received nominations will first undergo an eligibility check before being reviewed by our pool of experts. Our Global Award Council will select the winners for each category.

January 15, 2025

Top 5 Nominations Per Category Announced

On January 15 2025, we will announce the top 5 nominees per category.

February 1, 2025

Announcement winners per category

On February 1, 2025, we will announce the winners of each category.

Spring 2025

Live Award Ceremony

The 2024/25 WSFR.AI Awards will be presented at a live Award Ceremony in the Spring of 2025. We will announce further details in due course.


Frequently Ask Questions

How do I nominate?

You can nominate yourself or another female AI leader by completing our online application by November 15, 2024. Nominations open on October 1, 2024. If you want to be kept informed of the timeline, please register your interest here.