Our Vision

This initiative is for women worldwide, from all walks of life, who are developing and using AI to make a difference. Whether working in healthcare, education, environmental conservation, or any other field, we want to hear their stories and celebrate their contributions

By showcasing women from diverse backgrounds and sectors who develop and use AI responsibly, while inviting and encouraging others to participate, we are seeking to build a global community dedicated to using AI for good. We also seek to counter male dominance in the tech world.

Our Mission

Honor women who have shown exceptional leadership and innovation in responsibly developing and utilizing AI for the common good.

The WSFR.AI Award highlights and recognizes the achievements of women across the globe who are pioneers in developing AI using responsible best practices, and in using AI responsibly for the common good.

By shining a spotlight on women who lead the way in establishing a responsible and ethical standard for AI development, and those who employ AI for societal benefit, we aim to inspire and empower others to follow suit, fostering a culture of responsible innovation and social impact within the AI community. We also aim to highlight the power of individual - and collective - agency in a world changed by AI

  • Showcasing female trailblazers in AI is crucial for several reasons:

  • Driving Innovation: Diversity fuels creativity. Highlighting women's achievements in AI brings a wider range of perspectives, leading to more innovative solutions to global challenges.
  • Inspiring Future Generations: Representation matters. When young girls see women leading in AI, they are inspired to pursue STEM careers, helping to close the gender gap in technology.
  • Challenging Stereotypes: Amplifying female voices in AI helps dismantle outdated stereotypes, paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.

Why We Are Different

This initiative stands out as truly global, holistic, and transformative.

Global Reach:

We are not just spotlighting women in AI from a handful of countries — we are celebrating trailblazers from every corner of the globe. Women making a difference in AI can be found everywhere, not just in the Western world, and we are here to recognize their contributions.

Holistic Approach

AI is not just a technical pursuit. Success in AI demands diverse perspectives and disciplines. By embracing this b roader view, we engage fully with AI's potential for good. We are uniting women from across fields - technical, legal, business and beyond, to showcase that AI thrives in a socio-technical context, not a technical vacuum

Challenging the Status Quo:

We are not just discussing any AI; we are focusing on "responsible AI for the common good." We reject the false choice between business success and doing good. AI can and must help tackle real-world issues like healthcare, education, and environmental conservation. By highlighting impactful work, we demonstrate what is possible when AI aligns with societal values and human - centric principles.


Our Founders

The WSFR.AI Awards were founded by Dr Julia Stamm and Olivia Gambelin in 2024. Julia and Olivia are established thought and action leaders in the AI and tech & innovation for good space.

Portrait of Dr. Julia Stamm

Co-founder & Chief Strategist

Photo of Olivia Gambelin


Find out more about their drive and motivation to bring WSFR.AI to life.

Thumbnail of WSFR.AI logo

Global Award Council Members

Our Global Awards Council features outstanding female leaders from diverse backgrounds across all continents. They will review top nominees and select the winners in collaboration with category partners.

Portrait of Galit Ariel

Founder, Future Memory Inc.

Portrait of Maria Axente

Head of AI Public Policy and Ethics, PwC
United Kingdom

Portrait of Sheena Bhalla

Founder, Module Xero & Advisor, Aiforgood.asia

Portrait of Claudia Del Pozo

Founder and Director, Eon Institute

Portrait of Ivana Feldfeber

Co-founder, DataGénero

Portrait of Dr. Shikoh Gitau

CEO & Founder, Qhala

Portrait of Susan McPherson

Founder & CEO, McPherson Strategies
United States

Portrait of Madhumita Murgia

Artificial Intelligence Editor, Financial Times
United Kingdom

Portrait of Nnenna Nwakanma

Expert to UN Advisory Board on AI, Board Member HealthAI,
Côte d'Yvoire

Portrait of Gina Romero

Founder & Head of Special Projects, Mettamatch


Our Contributors

WSFR.AI is supported by a team of dedicated professionals

Headshot of Rachel Gutierrez

Rachel Gutierrez

Processes & Partnerships
Headshot of Devan Pellow

Devan Pellow

Freelance Web Developer
Shauna Blackmon headshot

Shauna Blackmon


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