Nominations open October 1st 2024

Women Shaping The Future Of Responsible AI (WSFR.AI)

Celebrating female trailblazers in developing and using AI responsibly for societal impact.

Enter your email to stay up to date on WSFR.AI Awards and Spring 2025 event


Brought To You By

The Futures Project logo

Our Mission

Honor the women who have shown exceptional leadership and innovation in responsibly developing and utilizing AI for the common good.

The WSFR.AI Award highlights and recognizes women's achievements across the globe who are pioneers in developing AI using responsible best practices and in using AI responsibly for the common good.

By shining a spotlight on women who lead the way in establishing a responsible and ethical standard for AI development, and those who employ AI for societal benefit, we aim to inspire and empower others to follow suit, fostering a culture of responsible innovation and social impact within the AI community. We also aim to highlight the power of individual - and collective - agency in a world changed by AI.

The WSFR.AI Award is different because it's truly global, holistic, and challenges the status quo.

Learn More
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Nomination Categories

The 2024/25 WSFR.AI Awards will be presented in the following categories


The 2024/25 WSFR.AI Awards

October 1 - November 15 2024

Call for Nominations

Our call for nominations will open on October 1 2024 and close on Novemeber 15 2024. We will accept nominations and self-nominations for all of the above categories.

November 16 - December 31 2024

Selection Process

All received nominations will first undergo an eligibility check before being reviewed by our pool of experts. Our Global Award Council will select the winners for each category.

January 15, 2025

Top 5 Nominations Per Category Announced

On January 15 2025, we will announce the top 5 nominees per category.

February 1, 2025

Announcement winners per category

On February 1, 2025, we will announce the winners of each category.

Spring 2025

Live Award Ceremony

The 2024/25 WSFR.AI Awards will be presented at a live Award Ceremony in the Spring of 2025. We will announce further details in due course.
